NSSR Journal Articles
In the following journal articles, our New School for Social Research faculty propose new ideas and receive feedback, open up space for dialogue, and share smaller pieces of larger research projects.
Click on an image below to learn more about each article and author, or sort by category to focus on a particular area of expertise.
AllMigrationAnthropologyEconomicsHistoryPhilosophyPoliticsPsychologySociologyCapitalismEnvironmentMedia & TechnologyPolitical TheoryRace & Ethnicity
Israel Studies (2019) — Oz Frankel, “Your Part in the Phantom: American Technology, National Identity, and the War of Attrition”
Cognitive Therapy and Research (2018) — Adam Brown, “Decreasing Event Centrality in Undergraduates Using Cognitive Bias Modification of Appraisals”
Columbia Human Rights Law Review (2018) — Adam Brown, “Trauma, Depression, and Burnout in the Human Rights Field: Identifying Barriers to Resilient Advocacy”
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (2018) — Adam Brown, “Can an Experimental Self-Efficacy Induction through Autobiographical Recall Modulate Analogue Posttraumatic Intrusions?”
Journal of Psychiatric Research (2018) — Adam Brown, “Neural Circuitry Changes Associated with Increasing Self-Efficacy in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”
International Review of Applied Economics (2018) — Ying Chen, “Renewable Energy Investment and Employment in China”
Review of Radical Political Economics (2018) — Ying Chen, “The Myth of Hukou: Re-Examining Hukou’s Implications for China’s Development Model”
Behavioural Public Policy (2018) — Shai Davidai, “Are ‘Nudges’ Getting a Fair Shot? Joint Versus Separate Evaluations”
Ecological Economics (2018) — Duncan Foley, “Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Climate Change”
Anthropological Theory (2018) — Carlos Forment, “Trashing Violence/Recycling Civility: Buenos Aires’ Scavengers and Everyday Forms of Democracy in the Wake of Neoliberalism”
Work, Aging and Retirement (2018) — Teresa Ghilarducci, “The Distribution of Time in Retirement: Evidence From the Health and Retirement Survey”
Cambridge Journal of Economics (2018) — Clara Mattei, “Treasury View and Post-WWI British Austerity: Basil Blackett, Otto Neimeyer and Ralph Hawtrey”
International Journal of Migration and Border Studies (2018) — Anne McNevin, “”Luxury Limbo: Temporal Techniques of Border Control and the Humanitarianisation of Waiting”
Journal of Refugee Studies (2018) — Anne McNevin, “Hospitality as a Horizon of Aspiration (or, What the International Refugee Regime Can Learn from Acehnese Fishermen)”
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2018) – Pu Chen and Willi Semmler, “Financial stress, regime switching and spillover effects: Evidence from a multi-regime global VAR model”
Macroeconomic Dynamics (2018) — S. Mittnik and Willi Semmler, “Overleveraging, Financial Fragility and the Banking-Macro Link: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Macroeconomic Dynamics”
Cambridge Journal of Economics (2018) — Mark Setterfield, “Long-run Variation in Capacity Utilization in the Presence of a Fixed Normal Rate”
Metroeconomica (2018) — Bill Gibson and Mark Setterfield, “Real and financial crises in the Keynes–Kalecki structuralist model: An agent‐based approach.”
Review of Political Economy (2018) — Mark Setterfield, “Intermediation, Money Creation, and Keynesian Macrodynamics in Multi-Agent Systems”
Socio-Economic Review (2018) — Rachel Sherman, “‘A Very Expensive Ordinary Life’: Consumption, Symbolic Boundaries, and Moral Legitimacy among New York Elites”
Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism (2018) — Julia Sonnevend, “Interruptions of Time: The Coverage of the Missing Malaysian Plane MH370 and the Concept of ‘Events’ in Media Research”
Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy (2018) — Miriam Steele, “Mothers’ Mental State Talk and Preschool Children’s Social-Behavioral Functioning: A Multidimensional Account”
Poetics (2018) — Robin Wagner-Pacifici, “Capturing Distinctions While Mining Text Data: Toward Low-Tech Formalization of Text Analysis”
Perspectives on Politics (2018) — Deva Woodly, “The Importance of Public Meaning to Political Persuasion”
American Journal of International Law Unbound (2017) — T. Alexander Aleinikoff, “Toward a Global System of Human Mobility: Three Thoughts”
Emory International Law Review (2017) — T. Alexander Aleineikoff, “The Present, Past, and Future of Refugee Protection and Solutions: Camps, Comprehensive Plans, and Cyber-Communities”
Constellations (2017) — Andrew Arato, “Civil Society, Populism and Religion” and “Democratic Legitimacy and Forms of Constitutional Change”
Social Imaginaries (2017) — Chiara Bottici, “From the Imagination to the Imaginal: Politics, Spectacle, and Post-Fordist Capitalism”
Frontiers in Psychology (2017) — Adam Brown, “Neuropsychological Predictors of Trauma Centrality in OIF/OEF Veterans”
International Journal of Mental Health (2017) — Adam Brown, “Coping Flexibility Predicts Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Human Rights Advocates”
Journal of Affective Disorders (2017) — Adam Brown, “Expressive Flexibility in Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression”
Journal of Anxiety Disorders (2017) — Adam Brown, “Examining Temporal Alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Relation Between Autobiographical Memory, Future Goals, and Current Self-Views”
Asian American Journal of Psychology (2017) — Doris Chang, “‘I’m learning not to tell you’: Korean transracial adoptees’ appraisals of parental racial socialization strategies and perceived effects”
Human Brain Mapping (2017) — Wendy D’Andrea, “Neural Correlates of Heart Rate Variability in PTSD During Sub- and Supraliminal Processing of Trauma-Related Cues”
Emotion (2017) — Shai Davidai, “The Ideal Road Not Taken: The Self-Discrepancies Involved in People’s Most Enduring Regrets”
Development and Change (2017) — Paulo dos Santos, “Better than Cash, but Beware the Costs: Electronic Payment Systems and Financial Inclusion in Developing Economies”
Current Directions in Psychological Science (2017) — Katrina Fincher, “Interfacing With Faces: Perceptual Humanization and Dehumanization”
Entropy (2017) — Duncan Foley, “Quantal Response Statistical Equilibrium in Economic Interactions: Theory and Estimation”
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (2017) — Jeremy Ginges, “What You Ask is What You Get: Citizens’ Support for Military Action, but Not Diplomacy, Depends on Question Framing”
Nature Human Behavior (2017) — Á. Gómez, L. López-Rodríguez, H. Sheikh, J. Ginges, L. Wilson, H. Waziri, A. Vázquez, R. Davis & S. Atran, “The devoted actor’s will to fight and the spiritual dimension of human conflict.”
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology (2017) — Jeffrey Goldfarb, “Memory, Art and the Social Condition”
Media, Culture, & Society (2017) — Jeffrey Goldfarb, “Media Events, Solidarity, and the Rise and Fall of the Public Sphere”
British Journal for the History of Science: Themes (2017) — Nicolas Langlitz, “Synthetic Primatology: What Humans and Chimpanzees Do in a Japanese Laboratory and the African Field”
Progress in Brain Research (2017) — Nicolas Langlitz, “Opaque Models: Using Drugs and Dreams to Explore the Neurobiological Basis of Mental Phenomena”
Theory, Culture & Society (2017) — Nicolas Langlitz, “Primatology of Science: On the Birth of Actor-Network Theory from Baboon Field Observations”
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2017) — Clara Mattei, “Austerity and Repressive Politics: Italian Economists in the Early Years of the Fascist Government 1922-1925”
Journal of Law and Society (2017) — Clara Mattei, “The Guardians of Capitalism. International Consensus and Fascist Technocratic Implementation of Austerity”
Citizenship Studies (2017) — Anne McNevin, “Learning to Live with Irregular Migration: Towards a More Ambitious Debate on the Politics of ‘the Problem'”
Social Research: An International Quarterly (2017) — Dominic Pettman, “Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Ideas, Otherness, and the New Vectors of Infection”
American Journal of Cultural Sociology (2017) — Rachel Sherman, “Conflicted Cultivation: Parenting, Privilege, and Moral Worth in Wealthy New York Families”
Research in International Business and Finance (2017) — Willi Semmler, “Does International-Reserves Targeting Decrease the Vulnerability to Capital Flights?”
Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism (2017) — Henrik Bødker and Julia Sonnevend, “The shifting temporalities of journalism: In memory of Kevin Barnhurst”
International Political Sociology (2017) — Rafi Youatt, “Personhood and the Rights of Nature: The New Subjects of Contemporary Earth Politics”
European Journal of Philosophy (2016) — Omri Boehm, “The Principle of Sufficient Reason, the Ontological Argument and the Is/Ought Distinction”
Psychiatry Research (2016) — Adam Brown, “Enhancing Self-Efficacy Improves Episodic Future Thinking and Social-Decision Making in Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”
Asian American Journal of Psychology (2016) — Doris Chang, “Taoist Cognitive Therapy: Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Chinese Immigrant Woman”
Journal of Family Violence (2016) — Wendy D’Andrea, “Social Context and Violence Exposure as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms in Mothers and Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence”
Judgment and Decision Making (2016) — Shai Davidai, “The Tide that Lifts all Focal Boats: Asymmetric Predictions of Ascent and Descent in Rankings”
Continental Philosophy Review (2016) — James Dodd, “Deep History. Reflections on the Archive and the Lifeworld”
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2016) — Katrina Fincher, “Perceptual Dehumanization of Faces Is Activated by Norm Violations and Facilitates Norm Enforcement”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016) — Jeremy Ginges, “Thinking from God’s Perspective Decreases Biased Valuation of the Life of a Nonbeliever”
Field Methods (2016) — Michael Schober, “Comparisons of Online Recruitment Strategies for Convenience Samples”
Frontiers In Psychology (2016) — Michael Schober, “Listeners’ and Performers’ Shared Understanding of Jazz Improvisations”
Research in International Business and Finance (2016) — Willi Semmler, “Financing Climate Policies Through Climate Bonds – A Three Stage Model and Empirics”
Social Research International Quarterly (2016) — Miriam Ticktin, “Thinking Beyond Humanitarian Borders”